Sunday, April 10, 2022



    Before we continue with BCD Decoders, 7 Segment Displays, and all that stuff, let's take a moment and revisit the 1 Hz counter part of the project.

    I tested 5 versions of the 1 HZ Counter.

    And I finally settled on the winner !!!!!

    This version uses less parts and a readily available crystal. The Green LED on the right shows us two pulses per second. The Green LED on the left shows the 1 Second Pulse.

    These LED's are not critical to the circuit other than verifying that it is working correctly.

    And here is a short video showing the proto type in action.

HELPFUL HINT:     I have a hell of a time keeping track of IC pins when I turn the board over. So I have started to MARK the underside of the board with a magic marker. You can mark Pin 1, or do what I so. I mark the + and GND Pin. 

    Sorry for the crappy picture, but you should be able to make out the RED circle indicating the Power IN (PIN 16) of the I.C. The black marks did not show up well.

    And the schematic :

 The other circuits I tested worked well. I especially like the MM6359 circuit. But you have to get the chip from CHINA. (Although you CAN get them) I liked the 4060 version as well.

Here is a board idea.

And here is a parts list for this 1 HZ COUNTER circuit:

C1-C2      22 PF CAPACITOR

C3            100 UF 25 V CAPACITOR

C4-5         .1 UF CAPACITOR

D-1-3        5MM LED  

J1              2 PIN MOLEX CONNECTOR  

J2              3 PIN MOLEX CONNECTOR  

R1            100 K RESISTOR 1/4 WATT

R2            10 MEG RESISTOR 1/4 WATT   

R3-5        330 OHM RESISTOR 1/4 WATT

U1            CD4060 CHIP AND SOCKET

U-2           CD4013 CHIP AND SOCKET

Y1            CRYSTAL


    Now on to the CLOCK !!!!    

    I decided on a SEPERATE Display Board for my clock. This is totally due to space issues and how my Radio Room is set up.

    Your needs may vary.

    So I am starting with display board, so I can get the enclosure put together and in place.

    (I ultimately went with a display board and clock board in the same cabinet. I also deleted J-1 and used spare pins on J-2 & J3) 

    Here is a pic of the Display Board and the main clock board during the start of prototype construction.

(I had issues deciding on connectors. I am currently waiting on some new ones to try.)

    The Display Board is almost done. Once the new connectors arrive I can remove the ones shown.

    Here is the schematic for the Display Board.

And here is a parts list for this DISPLAY circuit:

J1-J3        16 PIN HEADER 

J-4            3 PIN MOLEX CONNECTOR

JP1           3 PIN JUMPER

D1-D5       5mm LED (USE 4 RED AND GREEN)

R1-R6       330 OHM 1/4 WATT RESISTOR

U1-U6     Common Cathode Displays (size to suit)

And a look at the (almost) completed Proto Type

I changed the connectors, and added a jumper. This jumper selects either the LED's or the decimal point to blink on the seconds count. You get to decide what works for you. 

Once all the wires were in place and checked, I used some finger nail polish to hold them in place.

And the circuit board (back and front)

The "white" lines show the grounding points. This will fill in when I do the final board version.

I placed the connectors, jumper, jacks, and resistors on the back of the board. 

Now I can mount the unit on the workbench shelf and move on to the main board.
Since I do not know how accurate my 1 HZ timer will be, I decided to "piggy back" the 1 HZ board on top of the main board. 

This way I can replace the whole circuit at one time. I may try the 4060 board first, then try the MM5369 circuit. Then we can keep the most accurate circuit. 

(NOTE: I eventually scrapped the separate board idea.)

Now I need to build a MOD60  sec. & min. module. I have the test module up and running. (MOD is for "module) and the 60 means it will count 00-60  (actually 0-59 then re set to 0)

The green board is my spare 1 second generator. (MM5369 chip) It feeds the 60 sec counter. This is the circuit I will be using for the Seconds and Minutes portion of the clock timer.

That's enough for today, next time we will explain how all this comes together to form our digital clock/timer.

See you then !!! 

God speed, Mother Nature

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We make no claim as to the accuracy of the information with-in. 



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